Fidelio (DVD)
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The bass-baritone Egils Silins was born in Latvia and graduated from the Latvian Academy of Music. He made his debut at the Latvian National Opera, performing in ‘Mephistopheles’ (Boito). He has won ten international competitions and received the Latvian Annual Music Aware in 1996, 2003 and 2014. He made his debut at the Wiener Staatsoper in ‘I Puritani’. He gained huge international acclaim singing the title role in ‘Le Demon’ (Rubinstein) at the 1997 Bregenzer Festspiele. He has also performed at prestigious music festivals including The Tanglewood Music Festival, Savonlinna Opera Festival and Glyndebourne Festival.
Lise Davidsen and David Butt Philip lead The Royal Opera in this striking new production.
Beethoven’s only opera is a masterpiece, an uplifting story of risk and triumph. In this new production, conducted by Antonio Pappano, David Butt Philip plays the political prisoner Florestan, and Lise Davidsen his wife Leonore (disguised as ‘Fidelio’) who daringly sets out to rescue him. Set in strong counterpoint are the ingredients of domestic intrigue, determined love and the cruelty of an oppressive regime.
The music is transcendent throughout with highlights including the famous Act I Quartet, the Prisoners’ Chorus and Florestan’s aria, which conjures hope from the depths of despair. Tobias Kratzer’s new staging brings together the dark reality of the French Revolutionary ‘Terror’ and our own time to illuminate Fidelio’s inspiring message of shared humanity.
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A few weeks ago, Egils Silins was appointed New intendant of the Latvian National Opera. While he will continue his singing career, which takes him all around the world, this appointment brings on new challenges which he looks forward to.
He starts in this position on November of 2019.
Egils Silins singt den Amfortas in vier Vorstellungen von Wagners Parsifal in der Hamburger Staatsoper vom 19. April bis 12. Mai. Dean Smith wird die Titelrolle singen, neben ihm stehen Tanja Ariane Baumgartner als Kundry und Kwangchul Youn als Gurnemanz auf der Bühne. Die Leitung hat Kent Nagano.
Online Merker
Ließ sich so mancher Göttervater zu weniger melodischem Sprechgesang verleiten, nicht so Egils Silins. Der lettische international renommierte Bassbariton erwies sich als ehrenvoller Göttervater und präsentierte einen vokal prächtigen Wotan von enormer Ausdruckskraft. Mühelos bündelte der versierte Sänger vokale Reserven und führte sein schönstimmiges Material auch emotional bis ins Extreme, adelte die kräftezehrenden Monologe mit vortrefflicher Intonation zu akzentfreier Deklamation. Gleichwohl paarte…
BR Klassik
“…Egils Silins, bleibt dagegen immer rund und sonor – das klingt sehr eindrucksvoll.” BR Klassik 1.08.22 “Egils Silins Wotan hat das Clananführerformat, das er braucht auch stimmlich.” NMZ neue Musikzeitung, Klassikinfo 30.07.22 “Egils Silins made a convincing portrait of partial command” Time light 10.08.22